Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Prototype based javascript validation script

This script demonstrates the power of the popular prototype javascript library, by creating a validation script ('Easiest Validation On Submit', or 'evos') that requires only 1 line of code per HTML page to add client-side validation any number of fields in any number of forms.

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Mouse wheel programming in JavaScript

Programming mouse wheel event handling in JavaScript. Works on IE, Firefox and Opera 9. Might be useful to web application developers.

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"Urban myths" of the Linux kernel.

A very interesting presentation from the OLS 2006 symposium that talks of the myths of the Linux kernel, what the Linux kernel community is about and how you can get involved!

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Web-based Drawing Service

"Do you think that it is impossible to make a graphic editor using only HTML and JavaScript? Trust your eyes. This full featured graphic editor is written only on HTML and JavaScript. You don't need Flash-plugins, VML or SVG on the browser anymore."

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Automatic Magazine Layout

Ένα καταπληκτικό script για αυτόματη διαμόρφωση πολλών εικόνων σε μια πιο κομψή μορφή.

Οι εικόνες αλλάζουν κατάλληλα μεγεθος ώστε να αποκτήσουν ένα συγκεκριμένο πλάτος.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bush Pilot

Ο γερμανός πιλότος του Bush μιλάει για την δουλεία του

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Phoogle Maps 2.0

Cool PHP Class that uses Google's Mapping API so that you can create your own customizable Google Maps using PHP

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Nice use of CSS to callout sections of an image

Far better than the standard image map or slicing options, this technique is a great way to show more info or details. Reminds me a lot of the notations on Flickr.

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Need CSS Inspiration? Here's a Huge List.

The question of finding good 3 column layouts comes up in the mail list from time to time. Here are some that I have found, along with a few notations about what features they include and how they work. The judgment of "good" is left to you and your needs. Each offers interesting techniques for the CSS student.

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Top Ten List of Programming Advice to NOT Follow

Addresses some of the most common things people are being told about programming with which the author disagrees. Personally not agree with everything author states, but worth reading

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Firefox Extensions and AJAX - A Model for Web 2.0?

Firefox Extension plus AJAX = a service that can be applied across other web sites. Is this the real AJAX killer app?

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Yahoo's PHP Resources

Yahoo has a page specifically dedicated to implementing Yahoo services via PHP. Outstanding!

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PHP & AJAX: Upload Progress Meter! (for file uploads in forms)

This is very cool and extremely handy. If you've ever coded a form which requires a file upload, you'll find this helpful. Plus, it keeps the unexperienced end-user entertained and appeased during the upload process (so that they don't interrupt the load time).

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Firefox extension to easily automate all your browsing tasks

Here is very cool firefox extension that will record and playback actions in a browser. It will also generate your script in Ruby code. The example gives you a scripts to automate eBay feedback.

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Awesome XUL Apps

These only work in gecko browsers (mozilla/firefox/camino) but they are incredible display of what XUL can do

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AJAX Activity Indicators

A list of AJAX Activity Indicators images

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Google Maps API Basic Tutorial

A tutorial to help you create your own interactive maps using the Google API. A good cut and paste "I want to get something working asap" type of tutorial. Will have you geographically enabled in no time.

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PHP/SWF Charts

PHP/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data.

Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts and graphs.

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Top 10 PHP Frameworks

In this article we will look at ten popular frameworks, and compare them to each other. First I will give you a general chart which gives you a quick overview of all the frameworks, and after that we'll go through each framework and discuss it in short.

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Floatutorial: Step by step CSS float tutorial

Nice CSS float tutorials for beginers in CSS dungeon

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Solving Sudoku with SQL

A very informative tutorial on solving sudoku puzzles and a bit of SQL too.

Probably not your typical use for SQL.

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Integrating Google calendar in your website

This article shows how to integrate Google Calendar to your website with a simple PHP/ Javascript

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Shiny Scriptaculous Javascript Effects Cheat Sheet

Colorful, downloadable PDF cheat sheet for the Scriptaculous ( visual effects library. Site also has cheat sheets for various aspects of Ruby on Rails.

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Google Map 2.x Code Generator

Google will turn off (
upgrade.html#WhoNeedsToUpgrade) support for maps created before April 3rd, 2006. has a wysiwyg google map editor that generates Google Map 2.x code. Virtual Trespassing also has a virtual billboard application.

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The Power of Unit Tests

Do Unit test in your code :-)

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10 Places You Must Use Ajax

The following article takes a look at places that webdevs must implement ajax to stay ahead of the curve..

"It's been well over a year now since GMail changed the way everyone thought about web apps. It's now officially annoying to use web apps that haven't replaced clunky html functionality with peppy Ajax goodness."

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The Truth about Advertising on the Web

A look at just about every type of advertising you could cram into a webpage, with analysis of which ones work or don't work, and why. One of said analyses is pretty surprising.

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Convert HTML to PDF with PHP

Handy for PHP developers looking to generate PDFs from their HTML content: dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter written entirely in PHP5. It has no dependencies on external libraries (e.g. html2ps) and it supports CSS 2.1.

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5 Next Generation PHP Frameworks

Gone are the days of coding entire PHP apps from scratch. These are the 5 forerunners for the next generation of PHP frameworks. Each one of these frameworks has some foreword thinking quality that sets them apart from the PHP frameworks of yesterday. Many of these are a response to the recent Ruby on Rails, rapid application development hype.

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Rails-inspired PHP frameworks

A detailed comparison of six popular PHP frameworks inspired by Ruby on Rails: CakePHP, Symfony, PHP on Trax, Code Igniter, Biscuit and Pipeline.

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Web 2.0 recipes with PHP + DHTML

Full simple code examples for dynamic elements for your web apps, including: Ad boxes, Pop-ups, Spinners, and Tabs. (ways to show and hide content on the page)

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Over One Hundred page layouts, One CSS File: Y!UI to the rescue

The Yahoo! User Interface library has made a second release. This one now includes a CSS Grid Kit which allows you to create hundreds of css-based page layouts and it's only 1.82k

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Object-Oriented Javascript

"Although Javascript shouldn
�t be classed as an object-oriented language, pretty much everything within it is object based; from DOM scripting (Document Object Model) through to specific built-in objects such as Image and Date."

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Students Use Artificial Intelligence to Predict World Cup

Two computer science students from the American University in Sharjah, have used artificial intelligence to predict the outcome of the World Cup. The students fed 20 years worth of World Cup data into the computer, and found Brazil beating Italy in the final game. Statistical tests show their algorithm to be 83% accurate.

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PHP - Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities

These vulnerabilities can, of course, exist in PHP applications. Here are some tips on how to avoid them. I've included related links and references where relevant.

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Tremulous: The best free software game ever?

Linux and open source software lag behind the proprietary market in the number and quality of available video games, especially in the realm of first-person shooters (FPS). Here, Linux is an afterthought, if not ignored completely. Tremulous, a mixture of FPS and RTS (real-time strategy) written by Tim Angus, is an exception to that rule.

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Using beautiful calendar of dojo.

I described here how to use dojo's calendar widget.

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Βιβλιοθήκη με διαγράμματα για βάσεις δεδομμένων

Πάνω απο 100 παραδείγματα για databases schemas. Ατυχώς τα σχήματα δεν είναι επεξεργάσιμα απο καποιο πρόγραμμά, ούτε δίδωνται SQL αρχεία για την δημιουργία τους. Παρόλλα αυτά είναι μια πολύ χρήσιμη σελίδα για τον αρχικό σχεδιασμό μιας βάσης

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innotop: a new MySQL and InnoDB monitor

innotop is an extremely powerful, fast, flexible and easy to use MySQL monitor that gathers and organizes an insane amount of information about what is going on inside MySQL and InnoDB. It has tons of features, way more than tools like mytop and mtop. And everything is configurable, so you can customize it to show you what you want.

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